Hangzhou Sunny Huansha Hotel

Located near West Lake Scenic Area and neighboring Wushan and Yongjin Squares, the Hangzhou Sunny Huansha Hotel (Xiangyi Huansha Binguan) is about 800 meters from a railway station.This Hangzhou hotel provides guestrooms ranging from suites to single rooms, equipped with broadband internet access. Business guests can make full use of four conference rooms in different sizes and styles.

  • 会员5080:本来是想到远一点的地方住,到杭州的时候已经是晚上了,吃饭的时候在嘉里中心,找酒店的时候就看到香溢浣纱,离景区较近。停车场是在旁边的巷子里,去的时候前台和保安非常热情。酒店环境很好,就是电梯里香味比较浓,可以适当减少,另外水龙头的冲淋头水量太大,得调一下,总体来说超过预期的。非常不错。
  • 会员4082:酒店干净,整洁,房间小巧紧凑,热水很大,床铺很软,入住后送了一盘水果,带着两个孩子一行四人住房间大小合适。办理入住较快,退房也利索,总体服务很满意。地理位置特别合适,周边很多饭店,商场,离西湖也近,不枉我千挑万选找到这里。以后来还会入住。图片为孩子站在房间大落地窗旁照的
  • 会员943149:酒店地理位置距离西湖很近,周围吃饭的位置也多,而且还有些特色。房间值布置得很温馨,干净。
  • 会员7977:酒店在老城区,吃饭很方便,离西湖步行的话十多分钟,房间的设施还可以,晚上很安静。从机场坐大巴的话,下车后还有较远的距离,步行过去会有点累。当时订酒店的时候看有人评论说卫生间和床正对着,是玻璃不是墙,还特意打电话问了前台,入住后发现这点不用担心,玻璃外面有一个卷帘,可以放下来的。酒店有欢迎水果,让人感觉温馨,总体满意!对了,酒店的吹风机有点太迷你哦,功率太小了~


Hangzhou Sunny Huansha Hotel
  • Address :  No.17 Huansha Road,Shangcheng District,hangzhou,Zhejiang

  • Reserve :  +8620-86009099 (CouponCode:52101)
    Busy or no answer, online booking please!

  • Foreground Tel: 0571-87071886
      (Catering Entertainment)

Hangzhou Sunny Huansha Hotel reserve:+8620-86009099 (CouponCode:52101) Busy or no answer, online booking please!
Catering Entertainment:0571-87071886   Meeting room reserve

Hangzhou Sunny Huansha Hotel address: No.17 Huansha Road,Shangcheng District,hangzhou,Zhejiang

杭州香溢浣纱宾馆Hangzhou Sunny Huansha Hotel

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